Saint James AME Church: A Legacy of Warmth, Resilience, and Care

CWSBlankets Stories

A Rich History of Community
For nearly 160 years, the Saint James AME Church in Live Oak, Florida, has been a fundamental haven in the community. Before African Americans were allowed to go to school or worship freely, they gathered in this sacred space. Today, the church continues to serve as both a place of worship and a source of generosity and kindness.

“We’re one of the smaller churches, but we have a rich, rich history,” shared Pastor Marvin Bouquette. The church hosts various initiatives throughout the year to build community, from school supply giveaways to Easter egg hunts and family fun days.

Coming Together to Support Eachother 
The sense of community fostered by Saint James AME Church has become a lifeline in times of need. This was especially true when Hurricane Helene hit Live Oak, Florida, this past September. The rural city of fewer than 7,000 people lost electricity and access to water in the aftermath of the storm.

As part of the network of churches that Church World Service (CWS) supports, Saint James AME Church partnered with the CWS Kits and Blankets program to care for its members and neighbors after the hurricane.

Delivering Hope with CWS Kits and Blankets
“With the partnership, we distributed to about 200 people and not just within the four walls of the church,” Pastor Marvin recalled. The church used social media, mass texting, and phone tree systems to ensure the community knew about the distribution.

The response was overwhelming. “The number of people who showed up was mind-boggling,” said Pastor Marvin. People were particularly surprised by the quality of the items they received. “A lot of the times when things are donated, they’re not the best quality, but these heavyweight and lightweight blankets—people love them,” he added.

Extending Help Beyond Church Walls
The distribution extended beyond Saint James AME Church. The church reached out to seven other churches in the area, ultimately supporting about 500 people. Reflecting on the community’s resilience, Pastor Marvin stated, “We make do, and CWS coming in and donating those items allowed us to say, ‘We may not be able to give you electricity right now, but here are some items that can provide comfort.’”

One of the most appreciated items in the CWS Kits was the Period Packs. These packs were in high demand and were the first to run out. Recognizing the importance of these products, a local school administrator took some back to ensure students also had access to them.

The feminine hygiene products in these packs not only provide necessary care but also send a powerful message—reminding individuals with periods that their needs matter, even during a disaster.

An Expression Gratitude 
Pastor Marvin extended his gratitude to those who support the CWS Kits and Blankets program. “There’s a lot of work that goes into these Kits, so on behalf of Saint James AME Church and the Live Oak community, thank you.”

From the compassionate hands that build the Kits to the generous ones that distribute them, CWS Kits and Blankets remain a powerful source of comfort. They connect communities and remind us all of the importance of caring for one another in times of need.

To support individuals affected by recent hurricanes, please consider donating to our disaster response fund. You can learn more about CWS’ Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery work by clicking here and you can get involved in our Kits and Blankets Program here