Request CWS Kits and Blankets
Church World Service provides Blankets, Hygiene Kits, School Kits and Emergency Cleanup Buckets to qualifying 501(c)(3) agencies as needs arise. Assistance will be granted according to the following criteria:
- Proof of 501(c)(3) status for the agency itself or the agency assuming responsibility for materials. Have documentation ready at the time of submission.
- The need for CWS Blankets and/or Kits is the result of an emergency situation within the local community or a continuing unmet need.
- Ordinarily only a single response will be made to any one agency within a calendar year with the exception of needs associated with an emergency or disaster response.
If you want to request CWS Blankets and Kits email Sara Haas at to start the application process.
Please review the contents of each kit before placing an order.
COVID-19 and Supply Chain Disruption Update for agencies requesting CWS Kits & Blankets:
CWS values all of the collaborative relationships in our CWS Kits and Blankets Ministry, and we have resumed all CWS Kits and Blankets operations. However, due to the ongoing disruptions in the supply chain associated with covid-19, CWS warehouses may periodically experience interruptions in fulfilling requests.
CWS is also very mindful of the winter storm season ahead and subsequent emergencies. We anticipate that many communities hit hardest by covid-19 will have extreme vulnerabilities should a wildfire, tornado or flood-producing storm hit during this already strained time. As our partners work together to increase our inventory over the next few months, we will review and discern each and every request carefully to prioritize needs.
Please continue to check this page for updates. We wish you, your agencies and the families and communities you serve all the best and we are honored to serve with you!